Automated test data for Temenos with Synthesized

Why synthesized for Temenos application testing

A new approach to test data for Temenos-based applications 

Codify Business and Compliance Rules

Automatically apply codified business and compliance rules to all data provisioning processes, maintaining regulatory standards and business requirements.

Automated data provisioning

Automatically provision test data in minutes, ensuring rapid and consistent data availability for all testing environments.

Reduce Risk, Secure Data Profiling

Identify and flag sensitive data with intelligent profiling before transformation, ensuring compliance and reducing the risk of data breaches.

Coverage Across Test Cases

Ensure comprehensive test data coverage for all functional and non-functional test cases, improving test accuracy and reliability across the board.
Quick access to data snapshots

Application development teams have the flexibility to choose the approach that aligns with their specific requirements.

Local development

Streamline local development for Temenos applications by infusing development environments with AI-generated, production-like data. This accelerates development cycles and ensures realistic simulations, promoting faster time-to-market. 

Application prototyping

Expedite Temenos application prototyping by swiftly provisioning prototype databases with realistic data. Stakeholder engagement is heightened as prototypes closely mirror real-world scenarios, enabling informed decision-making. Agile development practices are supported through flexible iteration based on real Temenos data feedback, mitigating risks through early issue identification.

End to end testing

Facilitates comprehensive E2E testing for Temenos applications by furnishing diverse and realistic datasets for test environments. Data consistency across Temenos environments ensures accurate test results, while scalability supports rigorous testing scenarios. Automated data provisioning accelerates testing cycles, empowering development teams to iterate quickly and deliver high-quality applications efficiently.


Synthesized aids debugging for Temenos applications by replicating production scenarios in controlled environments, facilitating issue identification and resolution. Problematic data can be isolated for targeted troubleshooting, streamlining the debugging process. Data privacy compliance is assured through sensitive information masking, while streamlined collaboration supports efficient problem-solving among Temenos development teams.

Provision reliable data subset

AI-enhanced data masking
Synthesized employs AI algorithms to intelligently select and provision data subsets that closely resemble production environments, ensuring that development and testing activities are conducted with realistic and representative datasets.
Efficient resource utilization
By generating right-sized data subsets tailored to specific use cases, Synthesized optimizes resource utilization in development environments, minimizing wastage and improving efficiency.
Seamless Integration with Cloud Environments
Synthesized seamlessly integrates with cloud platforms to create ephemeral databases for development and testing purposes, offering a cost-effective alternative to using production databases in the cloud.

Preserve data consistency

AI-powered data consistency
Synthesized leverages AI to preserve data consistency across development environments, ensuring that provisioned data accurately reflects the state of production datasets.
Transactional data operations
Synthesized supports transactional data operations to maintain data consistency during provisioning processes, guaranteeing reliable and reproducible results.
Dynamic data refresh
Synthesized offers dynamic data refresh capabilities to keep provisioned datasets synchronized with changes in production data, minimizing discrepancies and ensuring up-to-date testing environments.

Protect customer data privacy

Automated test data pipeline
Scalable, fast, and compliant test data pipeline into development and testing environments. Engineering teams & QA have fast access to the perfect test data for their need - in minutes, not hours or days.
Role-based access control integration
Synthesized integrates role-based access control mechanisms to restrict access to sensitive customer data, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards and mitigating privacy risks.
Self-service data provisioning
Enable large amounts of data in short amount of time while preserving compliance, referential integrity and database logic. Self-service access to pre-approved, anonymized sensitive data or access to codified regulatory rules automatically applied to desired data. 

Synthesized automated test data provisioning

Get started today.

Synthesized is now fully available in the Cloud to simply manage your test data provisioning across your organization.