June 10, 2024

Data masking best practices: in-place vs in-flight

Data masking best practices: in-place vs in-flight

Data masking involves obscuring or anonymizing data within a database to ensure data privacy and compliance. Today's data regulatory laws are tighter than ever, which often means development and testing teams are left without access to the test data they need or waiting days for masking jobs to complete. This article digs into the basics of data masking, comparing in-place and in-flight methods and outlining their benefits and drawbacks. We will also explore the considerations that shape the choice of a masking strategy and discuss the role of data masking across various environments and systems. Mastering data masking best practices is essential for a robust defense against unauthorized access and maintaining compliance, whether dealing with production data or managing development and testing needs.

What is data masking?

Data masking is a critical process that protects sensitive information and allows the use of production-like data for testing and development. This technique transforms data into a fictitious yet operational format, ensuring that unauthorized individuals or systems cannot exploit the original content and that production data remains protected. Masked data retains its utility for validations and analyses, particularly within non-production and lower-level environments.

Unlike encryption or tokenization, which might alter the data's format, data masking preserves usability by maintaining the structure. This is important when handling various types of sensitive data, including Personally Identifiable Information (PII), Protected Health Information (PHI), and financial records. By implementing data masking, organizations can meet rigorous data compliance rules while upholding referential integrity in their environments. When approached correctly, this also helps to reduce the risk of production data leakage.

Importance of data masking

Data masking is crucial for protecting sensitive information and ensuring data privacy. It is essential for scenarios such as user training, sales demonstrations, and software testing, providing a secure way to use realistic data without exposing actual production data. As businesses rely more on data for decision-making and planning, it's incredibly important to secure this data.

Designed to address and reduce the risks of using live production data in lower-level environments. Anonymizing original values effectively prevents production data leakage, ensuring that unauthorized users cannot decipher or misuse sensitive data, thereby upholding the integrity and confidentiality required by security policies.

Data masking is crucial in sectors like financial services and healthcare as it protects sensitive data, including Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Protected Health Information (PHI). Implementing data masking techniques ensures compliance with privacy laws and acts as a defense mechanism against security breaches. It allows organizations to use realistic data for testing and training without compromising privacy and security. Data masking is essential for preventing unauthorized access, minimizing data misuse, and building customer trust.

In-place data masking

What is in-place masking?

In-place data masking is an important security process to safeguard sensitive information in non-production systems. This method involves copying production data to a designated intermediate area, often a preview environment. In this preview environment, specific transformation maps and masking rules are applied to the data. Once masked, the data remains usable for development or testing purposes while sensitive attributes are removed to prevent data breaches and ensure compliance.

The masking process in the staging area allows the secure transfer of masked data to multiple testing or quality assurance (QA) environments. This careful approach is governed by rigorous masking techniques that align with business requirements and maintain referential integrity. Preserving these relationships within the data is essential for accurate software testing despite the masking measures.

Furthermore, in-place data masking helps organizations comply with various data protection regulations. Adhering to these rules is integral to modern security governance, shielding enterprises from the legal and financial consequences of failing to protect sensitive data.

Advantages and disadvantages

In-place data masking provides a secure method for handling sensitive data that adheres to the security policy measures mandated by governing bodies. By employing this practice, organizations ensure that production data is obfuscated before moving to development, testing, and QA environments. This prevents the original data from being exposed in less secure, non-production systems.

In-place data masking provides a secure method for handling sensitive data, adhering to security policies mandated by new data compliance regulations like GDPR. By employing this practice, organizations ensure that production data is obfuscated before moving to development, testing, and QA environments, preventing exposure in less secure, non-production systems.

Advantages of in-place data masking:

  1. Data security: Ensures sensitive data is disguised before migration, minimizing the risk of unauthorized disclosure.
  2. Compliance assurance: Facilitates adherence to data compliance rules such as GDPR and PCI DSS, mitigating the risk of penalties and damage to reputation.
  3. Referential integrity: Preserves data relationships, making the masked data viable for comprehensive testing and analysis in software development cycles.
  4. Performance: It is more efficient when only a few records need to be masked, with the rest transferred using native bulk backup tools.

Disadvantages of in-place data masking:

  1. Resource intensity: Depending on the volume and complexity, copying and masking data may require significant processing power and time, especially for large datasets.
  2. Operational overhead: This requires setting up a staging environment, which could add to infrastructure complexity and management.
  3. Failure risk: Any mid-air failure during the transformation can render the backup unusable, necessitating its recreation.
  4. Flexibility limitations: Once data is masked, the process is irreversible, potentially restricting the scope of testing that relies on certain original data attributes.

In practice, while in-place data masking remains a robust and effective strategy for safeguarding data in development environments, organizations must weigh its benefits against its drawbacks, aligning the masking solution with the unique constraints and demands of their IT infrastructure and business requirements.

In-flight data masking

In-flight data masking represents a forward-thinking approach to data security. Sensitive information is transformed during export from a source database and before import into a target environment, such as testing. This real-time masking occurs "on the fly," aligning seamlessly with workflows including continuous software development and large-scale data integrations. Transformation maps and subset scripts define the masking functions for each column, ensuring masked data without altering the source.

Concentrating on the data in transit—hence the term 'in-flight'—ensures that only the data intended for the target environment is masked. Unlike dynamic data masking, which operates at the query result level, in-flight masking deals directly with the data stream, preserving the original data's integrity in the production system. It also maintains the statistical characteristics of the masked data, which is useful for analytical purposes.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of in-flight data masking:

  1. Efficiency in execution: Simplifies the pipeline by removing steps like creating and updating a copied dataset, reducing processing time.
  2. Data security within the perimeter: Sensitive data undergoes a transformation within a protected area, ensuring it never departs unprocessed and thus preserving its confidentiality.
  3. Performance optimization: Eliminates the need to update records in the output database, enhancing performance, especially when many records require transformation.

Disadvantages of in-flight data masking:

  1. Access to networks: The masking process necessitates the transformation component, like a TDK agent, to have network access to both the source and target, which may conflict with specific security policies or infrastructure constraints.
  2. Potential network bottleneck: A single transformation component can cause network congestion for large data volumes, which can be mitigated by Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) technologies or selective filtering at the source.

In-flight data masking balances security and performance, offering real-time data obfuscation. It's crucial for organizations to adhere to data security standards and compliance obligations, using in-flight data masking as part of a comprehensive data security strategy to protect sensitive data and optimize testing processes in non-production environments.

Key considerations for choosing data masking approach

When selecting a data masking approach, several factors should be weighed to align with organizational needs, ensure robust data protection, and comply with regulatory demands. The permissions framework must be sufficiently granular to allow access to real data only for authorized individuals while presenting masked versions to others. The masking solution's flexibility is also key, as it must accommodate customization to select and format substitute values for specific data fields effectively.

Different teams or user roles might require disparate masking policies, requiring a data masking process that can meet such varied needs. Furthermore, the choice between static and dynamic data masking hinges on the context—whether the focus is on securing data in non-production environments or providing runtime obfuscation to authorized users.

Moreover, the chosen masking method must transform data values to preserve the original format to mitigate the risks related to decryption or reverse engineering. This is pivotal for the integrity and security of the masked data which could otherwise be vulnerable to sophisticated breach attempts.

In essence, these are the overarching considerations that must guide the decision-making process for an optimal data masking approach:

  1. Compliance: Adherence to data compliance rules like GDPR and PCI DSS.
  2. Customization: The ability to tailor masking rules to specific business requirements.
  3. Flexibility: The capacity to apply different masking techniques to varied user groups.
  4. Security: The overall effectiveness in preventing unauthorized access and ensuring robust data privacy.
  5. Preservation of Data Integrity: Maintaining referential integrity and the statistical characteristics of the original data.

By carefully considering these aspects, organizations can deploy a masking strategy that not only guards sensitive data against unauthorized viewing but also supports their operational workflow, testing environments, and compliance with stringent data protection standards.

Data compliance rules

In the domain of data protection, adherence to stringent data compliance rules is non-negotiable. Regulatory frameworks like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) mandate that sensitive and personal data be adequately masked before migration to less secure non-production or testing environments. Non-compliance can lead to severe penalties, including hefty fines and irreparable damage to an organization's reputation.

Data masking techniques play a pivotal role in meeting these compliance obligations, offering a mechanism for anonymization that thwarts attempts at unauthorized data exploitation. Analyst firms like Gartner have identified data masking as a crucial technology for strengthening data security measures. Enterprises employing data masking strategies vigorously maintain established privacy standards, achieving conformity with various data protection regulations. This preventive application of data security principles is indispensable for protecting sensitive information and avoiding the far-reaching consequences of data breaches.

Business requirements

Diverse business requirements often necessitate the implementation of multiple tailored data masking solutions across an organization, especially within sizeable multinational corporations. A one-size-fits-all masking tool may fall short in meeting the intricate demands of various business lines, each with its own unique set of security standards.

A key consideration is the maintenance of referential integrity, ensuring that all data, including derivative works from a business application, are treated consistently with the same algorithm to maintain coherence throughout the development and testing cycles. In doing so, the synchronization of data masking practices across the enterprise is pivotal to mitigate operational challenges and ensure data handling uniformity across business units.

Moreover, strict controls must be in place to govern data masking algorithms, safeguarding against unauthorized user access, given the sensitive nature of these processes. Adequate planning and execution are equally important in any masking project, especially when dealing with multi-faceted organizational structures and multiple business lines, to ensure the coherence and success of masking efforts.

Masking techniques

Data masking comprises various techniques that enable organizations to anonymize and protect sensitive information seamlessly. The choice of technique depends on the specific use case and business requirements:

  1. Data anonymization: This involves the permanent substitution of personally identifiable information (PII) with artificial but realistic-looking data. This masking technique supports software testing and analytics without compromising privacy.
  2. Pseudonymization: This method replaces PII with pseudorandom values and securely archives the original data, allowing retrieval when necessary. It can be employed for both unstructured and structured data sets.
  3. Encrypted lookup substitution: This technique employs a lookup table with alternative values for PII and augments security by encrypting the lookup table, thereby preventing direct data breaches.
  4. Redaction: This method either fully or partially replaces fields laden with PII with nonspecific values, a tactic commonly employed when PII is unnecessary, or in conjunction with dynamic data masking.
  5. Shuffling: Shuffling involves the random insertion of other masked data instead of outright redaction, effectively scrambling the real data across multiple records and further thwarting any attempts to reconstruct the original values.

Security policy

Formulating robust security policies is integral to any data masking strategy to ensure that algorithms are securely managed and accessible exclusively by authorized individuals. Best practices incorporate the principle of separation of duties, such that algorithm settings and sensitive lists remain under the control of designated data owners within relevant departments, thus enhancing data security at its core.

Moreover, security policies must conform to regulation-specific requirements, reinforcing the protection and confidentiality of sensitive data through the data masking process. Organizations leveraging data masking for data protection may integrate comprehensive security solutions like Imperva Data Security Fabric to safeguard their data sources and infrastructure effectively.

To summarize, security policies in data masking practices protect data storage, ensure compliance, and secure repositories from increasingly sophisticated cyber threats. They are the bulwark that maintains the integrity and security of an organization's data throughout its lifecycle.

Understanding production data and non-production environments

In data security, differentiating between production and non-production environments is paramount. Production data, comprising real-world datasets, fuels an organization's day-to-day operations, including transaction processing and live support systems. This data often contains sensitive information subject to data compliance rules and is tightly secured against unauthorized access. On the other hand, non-production environments, such as development, testing, and staging, utilize production data for various purposes without directly impacting business operations.

In non-production settings, data masking is vital to safeguard sensitive data while maintaining the necessary realism for system validation and software testing. Techniques like static data masking, which transforms data at the source, are especially useful when cloning production data for non-production systems. They protect sensitive data uniformly, with masking rules applied thoroughly before the data migration. Dynamic data masking, in contrast, offers flexibility, as it masks data on the fly according to predefined rules, making it ideal for situations that require continuous testing and updates.

Sophisticated masking tools ensure its referential integrity remains intact when data is obfuscated. These tools identify sensitive data automatically, applying predefined masking rules consistent with regulatory obligations, thus streamlining compliance and security protocols. Selecting the appropriate masking approach will depend on myriad factors, including business requirements, regulatory landscape, and the specific nuances of the production and non-production environments.

Production data leakage risks

When production systems are duplicated for use in non-production environments, the risk of production data leakage becomes a pronounced concern. Cloning databases often involves transferring realistic data with sensitive or personally identifiable information (PII). Data masking in non-production environments is necessary to shield this information, preventing unauthorized individuals from accessing confidential data.

The unauthorized exposure of confidential data in non-production systems can lead to significant data breaches and subsequent compliance violations, impacting an organization’s reputation and financial standing. To mitigate the risks of data spillage and meet data privacy regulations, enterprises are turning to data masking solutions. These solutions are designed to de-identify sensitive data, enabling a secure development and testing practice without compromising the authenticity required for effective system validation.

Development and testing environments

The application of data masking in development and testing environments is a critical measure to preserve sensitive data from potential misuse. Here, real-world datasets undergo transformation to comply with privacy regulations while retaining their utility for system development and testing methodologies. Data masking tools have become an indispensable asset for organizations, enabling the secure usage of private or confidential data and ensuring a reliable non-production environment.

With the advent of dynamic data masking, security risks, and potential non-compliance are reduced by providing access to sanitized, anonymized datasets for users with necessary privileges. Thus, data masking emerges as a cornerstone in maintaining the confidentiality of sensitive information. It preserves the data's integrity and availability for essential processes such as software testing, application development, and analytics.

Staging environment

In scenarios where space is limited or data needs to be relocated swiftly, on-the-fly data masking is employed, bypassing the need for a staging environment. Alternatively, in-place data masking practices involve copying production data to a separate, temporary staging area where masking transformations occur before the data progresses to the target environment. Adopting in-flight masking, using transformation maps and Subset scripts, allows for precise masking of specific database columns in platforms like Oracle and MSSQL.

An essential aspect of these processes is the principle of the separation of duties. This ensures that while IT security personnel determine overarching methods and algorithms for data masking, data owners or stewards manage the fine-tuning and specific settings. Such practices not only protect data at rest but also data in transit—a critical requirement for activities such as data analytics, software testing, and training simulations.

Target environment

Within the data masking landscape, the target environment holds a crucial role as the domain where the actual masking operations are executed. It is the definitive system that deploys masking rulesets and assures the protection of sensitive information with compliance laws. To establish the environment for masking, connectors are set up, enabling operations on databases, for example, MSSQL.

In the target environment, masking jobs are comprehensively defined with specific parameters, including job names, descriptions, memory settings, and available masking options. When configuring On-The-Fly masking in this context, one critical rule is noted—the source data itself is not modified directly, an approach that adds an additional security layer by ensuring that production data maintains its integrity until the masking procedure is initiated.

Implementing data masking in different systems

Implementing Data Masking in Different Systems is a crucial aspect of data protection, especially in sectors like the financial services industry, where stringent regulations must be observed. Various data masking techniques—such as data anonymization, pseudonymization, encrypted lookup substitution, redaction, shuffling, date aging, and nulling out—are employed to generate compliant and convincing data for software testing. Typically, data masking can be applied in two forms: in-flight, also known as dynamic data masking, which occurs before data is displayed to an application, and at-rest, known as static data masking, where sensitive data is irrevocably altered within the database or its storage.

The ultimate objective of data masking is to produce a variant of indecipherable organizational data that cannot be reversed to its original form. This outcome is usually attained through methods that include character shuffling, word or character substitution, and encryption. Data masking offers more specificity and effectiveness than data anonymization, as it allows for the selective concealment of certain fields or values within a dataset, upholding the overall structure and validity of the data and thus reducing the likelihood of inadvertent exposure of sensitive information.

Masking process for production systems

In the context of production systems, the masking process primarily focuses on safeguarding sensitive data against unauthorized use. In-place masking, one such technique, involves duplicating production data to a staging area. Here, data undergoes transformation according to predefined masking maps and rules, ensuring sensitive information is obfuscated before relocation to various testing environments. In contrast, in-flight masking applies masking functions to specific database columns as data moves between systems, preserving confidentiality during transit.

On-the-fly data masking is a dynamic method that streams segments of masked data straight from production to testing environments without the need for interim storage. This approach is invaluable for perpetual data protection. Dynamic data masking, another on-demand technique, operates in real-time, securing sensitive data from unauthorized views or use in applications during read-only access. Organizations utilize these masking strategies within production systems to comply with data compliance rules and to ensure that sensitive information remains obscured or nullified through development, testing, and quality assurance phases.

Masking process for non-production systems

In non-production systems, masking protects sensitive data without hampering system development and testing workflows. Static data masking, or data masking at rest, is typically administered in batch processes. It permanently masks the sensitive data without retaining any version of the original unmasked data. This method is particularly important when replicating production data into non-production environments, as it allows for using realistic datasets without revealing personal or confidential information.

On the other hand, dynamic data masking is designed to mask data in-flight. This technique is highly adaptable and supports ongoing testing environments by enforcing masking rules on data outputs based on parameters like user access levels or API interactions. A key concern for non-production environments is the security of sensitive data used within the development, testing, and quality assurance cycles. Moreover, data masking software for non-production systems must include capabilities that maintain relational integrity, ensuring consistent data representation within and across databases. Such technology is critical in bolstering cybersecurity measures while providing functional and masked data for use in analytics.

Dynamic data masking vs static data masking

Dynamic Data Masking (DDM) and Static Data Masking (SDM) are two pivotal techniques for protecting sensitive information within an organization's systems. They address differing business requirements and stages of the data lifecycle. The core differentiation lies in when and how the data is masked.

Dynamic Data Masking (DDM) operates on in-flight data, meaning it obscures information after retrieval from the database but before it reaches the application interface. This approach allows for granular control where various access levels can be established, ensuring users only view data pertinent to their role and authority. Such real-time masking is particularly valuable when dealing with Personally Identifiable Information (PII), as it prevents unauthorized users from seeing sensitive data as it is being processed.

In contrast, Static Data Masking (SDM) is a more permanent solution. It applies masking rules to the data at rest—directly within the database or storage. This results in an irreversible data transformation, with the original unmasked version no longer available. SDM is mostly performed during batch processing and is a preferred approach for cloning databases to non-production environments for development or testing, where there's no need for unmasked data.

In summary, DDM provides a dynamic, flexible layer of security suitable for live systems, ensuring PII is concealed during user interaction. SDM offers a static one-off alteration of data, securing sensitive information in environments where the data is manipulated for testing and analytics without the risk of reverting to the original state.

Dynamic data masking techniques

DDM succeeds in providing immediate data protection by employing a variety of techniques. It automatically streams and masks data fetched from a production environment, thereby negating the need to store masked data in isolation. Moreover, it facilitates the implementation of role-based security protocols, where the sensitive data is dynamically masked and served differently to users according to their privilege levels, ensuring that unauthorized personnel receive only obfuscated or blocked data.

Given the dynamic nature of this masking, maintaining consistency across diverse environments and technologies can be challenging, yet ensuring the integrity and usefulness of the data is crucial. Through an intricate configuration of masking rules, DDM adeptly meets real-time data requirements for testers and analysts, enabling them to perform their functions without exposing them to actual sensitive information.

Static data masking techniques

Addressing data protection in non-production environments, SDM offers the assurance that once data is masked, it remains permanently altered. This technique supports the creation of consistent and repeatable test data, which is vital for producing reliable and accurate testing and analytic results. Thanks to sophisticated masking tools, organizations can generate realistic yet non-sensitive data, protecting original values while promoting a secure development and testing ground.

The transformative process of SDM not only secures data from unauthorized access but also ensures repeated masking actions produce identical results, thereby establishing a predictable and safe testing environment. Cloning production data into a development or testing realm necessitates an SDM approach; it eliminates the risk of sensitive data exposure since the derivative masked data is rendered unsuitable for operations hinging on original, sensitive data sets.

Best practices for effective data masking

Data masking has emerged as a vital tool for organizations to preserve data privacy and meet data compliance rules without impeding the utility of datasets for authorized purposes, such as software testing and data analysis. Best practices for implementing an effective data masking strategy are crucial to ensure that sensitive information is adequately protected while maintaining data integrity for business operations. Below are some key practices for successful data masking.

Understand the data: Comprehensive data discovery is a prerequisite. Entities should invest time in identifying data requiring masking, understanding the context, and categorizing fields based on sensitivity.

Define masking rules: Establish clear masking rules that reflect the organization's security policy. This includes choosing the appropriate masking methods for different types of sensitive data. Character shuffling, substitution, and encryption are common techniques.

Preserve referential integrity: Masking operations should maintain consistency across tables and databases. Consistency is particularly crucial when data is replicated across development, testing environments, and production systems.

Minimize impact on performance: Efficient masking processes should not significantly degrade system performance. Enterprises should evaluate the performance implications of various masking techniques and optimize configurations accordingly.

Update masking rules regularly: As business requirements evolve and new regulations emerge, masking rules must be revised to remain effective and compliant.

Educate your Team: Staff involved in data handling should be trained on the importance of data masking, and the specific processes in place within the organization.

Employ automation where possible: Automating the masking process can improve efficiency and reduce errors. Many data masking tools offer features to streamline tasks such as detecting sensitive data and applying masking rules.

Audit and review: Implement a robust audit process to ensure masking is applied correctly and consistently. Regular audits and reviews of masking policies and procedures can help detect potential issues and refine the masking strategy.

By adhering to these best practices, enterprises can effectively employ data masking techniques to mitigate the risks of production data leakage and unauthorized access while leveraging data in non-production systems.

Dynamic masking for unauthorized users

Dynamic data masking (DDM) provides on-the-fly data masking solutions to prevent unauthorized users from accessing personal or sensitive data. Unlike static masking, DDM shields data in real-time, as users request, without altering the underlying data in the database.

Granular access control: DDM allows data managers to set up fine-grained access controls, specifying which data elements can be viewed in their original state, which should be masked, and for which users.

No impact on production data: Since masking is applied in flight, DDM does not modify the actual data stored in production databases. This allows for full fidelity of the original data for authorized access and operations.

Easy integration with existing systems: Dynamic data masking tools are designed to be non-intrusive, integrating with existing database and application architectures without requiring modifications to the existing code base.

Immediate response to threats: With DDM, the response to detected security threats can be swift. Masking configurations can be adjusted on the fly to protect sensitive data without downtime or system overhauls.

Detailed logging and reporting: Implementing DDM solutions that provide comprehensive logging can help monitor unauthorized attempts to access data and maintain an audit trail for compliance purposes.

Dynamic data masking is essential to an enterprise’s data security and compliance strategy. It allows organizations to address concerns about data exposure to unauthorized personnel effectively, dynamically, and with minimal disruption.

At the end of the day...

Data masking is an essential technique for protecting sensitive information, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards, and supporting secure development and testing environments. By understanding and implementing best practices in data masking, organizations can effectively balance data usability with privacy and security needs, thereby safeguarding against unauthorized access and potential breaches.

Ready to secure your data?

Take the first step towards comprehensive data privacy and compliance. Contact us today to learn how's advanced data masking solutions can protect your sensitive information and ensure regulatory compliance without compromising on data utility.


  1. What is data masking and why is it important?
    Data masking is the process of obscuring or anonymizing data within a database to protect sensitive information. It is crucial for ensuring data privacy, meeting regulatory compliance, and preventing unauthorized access, especially in non-production environments such as development and testing.
  2. How does in-place data masking differ from in-flight data masking?
    In-place data masking involves copying production data to a staging area, where it is masked before being used in development or testing environments. In-flight data masking, on the other hand, masks data in real time as it is transferred from the source database to the target environment, ensuring data security during transit.
  3. What are the advantages of in-place data masking?
    Advantages of in-place data masking include enhanced data security, compliance with regulations such as GDPR and PCI DSS, preservation of referential integrity, and better performance when only a few records need masking. It is particularly useful for ensuring sensitive data is protected before it leaves secure production environments.

  4. What are the key considerations when choosing a data masking approach?
    Key considerations include compliance with data protection regulations, the flexibility to customize masking rules, the ability to meet different departmental needs, and the preservation of data integrity. Organizations must also consider the performance impact and the balance between security and usability.
  5. How does dynamic data masking work?
    Dynamic data masking (DDM) masks data in real time as it is accessed without altering the underlying data stored in the database. This approach allows for granular control over data access, ensuring that sensitive information is protected while maintaining the data's usability for authorized users.